Why We All Need To Play More

It’s not a new or revolutionary concept that having fun, playing and just having a laugh is an important part of adult life. Often – somewhere between childhood and adulthood- we lose sight of the importance of play and forget what it feels like to throw caution to the wind, laugh and relax, ultimately. 

I’ve noticed recently just how bogged down my own daily routine has become, with work and other ‘adulting’ commitments taking over doing things that make me feel ‘alive’. 

And the important thing to note is that ‘adult play’ doesn’t have to be something time consuming or impossible to fit into our daily schedules. Having a laugh with friends/family, going for a bike ride in the sunshine or playing with your dog are all easy examples of mood boosting activities that aid our emotional well-being. 

I think the key is to find something that uninhibits you and makes your forget about your responsibilities, even if it’s just for a short amount of time. I find things such as walks in the countryside without my phone or running around after my godchild bring out the joyous, carefree side of me. Thank you endorphins!

Now I pose this question to you… When was the last time you had fun for fun’s sake? 

I urge anyone who reads this to consider making ‘feeling like a kid again’ and playing a part of their daily routine. Maybe even start off making it something you do weekly if that sounds easier to implement. 

Just know that taking the time to switch off from your adult role could help you feel less stressed overall, give you more energy, make you more creative, form stronger bonds with people around you and even improve your brain function. I’m sure we could all use a little bit more of the aforementioned in our lives! 

Until next time,

Lica xoxo

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