“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

Do you love Asian food as much as I do? Then you’ll definitely want to learn more about London’s largest Asian food hall! This is my first visit to Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall since its opening in 2017 and I can assure you it won’t be my last. 

Here’s why I love Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall and think you will too! 

What is it?

A food court dedicated to specialist Asian vendors. There are approximately 27 restaurants selling dishes from Japan, Vietnam, India and beyond! 



You can get some big ol’ plates of food for less than a tenner and side dishes are generally between £5 and £10. If you go with other people and share different dishes it’s even better value for money, so bring your friends!

The Set-Up

The ground floor of the building is home to the Golden Dragon, a Chinese restaurant, while the upstairs area is an open food court space with restaurant stalls located all around the edge and with seating in the centre (offering a seating capacity of 450). 

The menus at each restaurant are displayed clearly and pictorially so that you can see exactly what you’ll be ordering, which is handy if you’re unfamiliar with a particular dish. Once you’ve paid you will be given a little pager to take away with you to your table and wait for it to buzz to announce that your food is ready to collect. Very efficient.  

Despite how busy the food court gets, it’s amazing how clean and tidy tables are kept and trays are cleared.


I’ve got to give this place credit for making sure that everyone is catered for. Whether you’re a vegetarian, vegan etc, there will be something for you to sample. 



Almost everything we had was made fresh to order, on site. 


I loved scanning the room and seeing how many age ranges and nationalities were gathered in one space. You all know you’re there for a shared love of great food and I love that! Everyone is welcome there. 

There’s nothing ‘fancy’ or pretentious about dining here either. The overall atmosphere is very relaxed and ideal for casual dining at any time of the day. 

My Tips

  • Most stalls accept card payments, but we came across one that had a minimum spend limit, so perhaps bring some cash along with you. 
  • During busier times (and if you have a large party with you) I would recommend securing your seats and taking turns to go off and making orders so that you always have a space to return to. 
  • Be sure to take a good wander around each stall before ordering anything as its very easy to become overwhelmed and want to order EVERYTHING right away.
  • Go with an open mind and try something new – it’s all part of the fun!

What I Ordered 

  • Korean fried chicken (soy & garlic flavoured) from Janchi Korean Kitchen 
  • Laksa soup and sweet and sour chicken from Coconut Tree
  • Che from Cafe De Viet
  • Pork chilli buns from Xi home 
  • Black gold salted egg yolk buns from Royal China One 68 Dim Sum

I went with my boyfriend and we went a bit OTT with our ordering as we wanted to try as much as we could. We couldn’t finish all of this – just something for you to keep in mind so that you don’t make our mistake! 


The closest tube stop to Bang Bang is Colindale (on the northern line), which takes approximately 30 mins to get to from central London. It’s then a straightforward 10 min walk to the hall.

Address: 399 Edgware Rd, London NW9 0FH

I’d love to hear what your opinions are about Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall and what you ordered, so be sure to drop me a comment! 

Until next time… 

Lica xoxo

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