Lica’s London Highlights – I’ve Found The Best Hot Chocolate You’ll EVER Have…

This could be both the shortest and SWEETEST (pun intended) blog post I will ever write. Nonetheless, I simply couldn’t walk away from my experience at SAID and not share it with you. 

SAID have expanded to London, taking with them their chocolate knowledge from Italy. The brand has a well established reputation in Rome, but now lucky Londoners can also enjoy their treats.

The chocolate specialists make their passion for sweet treats known the second you walk through their doors. Chocolate moulds adorn the walls, while a vast array of chocolatey wares decorate every available countertop. A sweet aroma engulfs your nostrils the second you walk through the door. It’s a chocolate emporium not too dissimilar to the one that rolls of the pages of that well known Roald Dahl novel. 

Everyone who enters will likely have their own ‘wow’ moment, but what instantly caught my attention was the large vats of molten chocolate. Accompanied by large ladles, ready for you to drizzle the chocolatey good stuff over whatever you so wish! 

On my visit with my family we opted for a chocolate cake and a regular-sized Gianduja (a hot chocolate with hazelnut spread and additional molten chocolate coating). OH MY GOSH. It was so smooth, silky and rich. Thick and delicate hints of hazelnut really cut through the sweetness so that the drink is not as sickly as you might initially expect. 

What are you waiting for?! 

Soho address : 41 Broadwick St, Soho.

Until next time,

Lica xoxo

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