“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou

Who is one stranger that you still remember?

I found myself feeling really inspired and uplifted after watching a video on YouTube recently in which someone went out into the world and asked random people about their most memorable encounter with a stranger.

The stories people told about the individuals they crossed paths with at various times of their lives made me feel really emotional. So many of the responses people gave to the question were from such simple interactions, yet the impact of their brief discourse was so long lasting.

What struck me most is that even after many years have passed since their meeting, people still remember such distinct details from their encounters. Considering that we retain a very small percentage of the information we receive in our day-to-day life, it fascinates me that a brief meeting could have such a lasting impact on someone.

I think in so many instances we go through life almost seeking to avoid speaking to strangers and have it ingrained in us from a long age that it could be dangerous to do so (obviously in some cases that it true!). But I chose to take away the exact opposite message from watching the video. This also prompted me to reflect on my own experience with meeting strangers and I thought I would share two of my own stories…

Story One

My first story is from a time when I was still at university and had a part time job working at a local jewellery shop (I actually loved this job and meeting lots of people every day was one of the reasons why!).

One day on a quiet Sunday an older man asked for some assistance in buying a chain for a unique pendant he had. After speaking for a while he told me that he was from Mexico, how he is going back to visit his family again soon and we then got onto the subject of travel. I expressed that I too had a shared love of travelling and wanted to travel more (at the time I was working to get by studying in London so was less able to do so).

I remember so clearly him telling me that if I wanted to travel, then simply, I should. He told me that money comes and goes and that I should pursue travelling whenever possible if its what makes me happy, as money will always be earned back one way or another.

It’s funny looking back now just how much I took his advice as in the years that followed travelling is exactly what I have been doing. I have travelled when I had very little money and when I had slightly more money.

I am forever thankful for his optimism and encouragement.

Story Two

I had another experience with a stranger probably not too long after this, as it was when my boyfriend and I first started dating. We planned a trip to explore London and then ended the day with a dinner reservation at a restaurant I really liked near my university.

We had a great dinner and while I don’t remember what we ate, I do remember that halfway through the meal a waiter brought over two glasses of Prosecco. Straight away I explained to the waiter that there was a mistake and that we didn’t order these drinks. He went on to say that these drinks were bought for us by someone who didn’t want to be identified as a nice gesture.

I remember we were both shocked and tried looking around to see if we could find the person who bought us our drinks (the restaurant was packed on a busy Saturday night). We couldn’t identify anyone as the culprit of this random act of kindness. Nonetheless we both embraced the experience and really enjoyed our Prosecco!

To this day we will never know who ordered us drinks and why. But I suppose that’s what makes this particular story so special and memorable. It reminded me that kind actions make a lasting impact no matter who you are and who you direct them towards, whether you buy someone a drink on a date or take care of a parcel for a neighbour you’ve never met. It all matters.

A shared human experience

Looking back at my stories makes me feel empowered to embrace human connection, conversation and chance opportunities that much more now. They reminded me of the magic and unpredictability of life, something that I think we often forget about it.

I’d love to hear you own thoughts on this too, so please do drop me a comment and share your own memorable stranger encounters. I’d love to hear them.

Until next time,

Lica xoxo

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