“It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments, and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.”

– A.J. Lawless

I’m grateful to have friends in my life who are as excited by doing the simple things in life – things that we often take for granted like watching a sunrise – as much as I do. We take the same approach to life – romanticizing our existence and adding adventure to our days wherever possible. 

Now the response I got most often when telling people I woke up at 5am on a cold and wintry Saturday morning to haul ass to the best sunrise viewing spot in Essex was ‘WHY?!’. 

If you think about it, a sunrise is a pretty incredible phenomena. And, not to put a dramatic spin on things, but the number of sunrises we get to witness in our lifetime are finite. 

All the more reason to see as many of them as we possibly can! 

Here are some of the reasons why I think catching the sunrise is always a good idea:

  1. You get a sense of accomplishment being up and about before everybody else. I find I feel more energetic on the days I dedicate to getting up extra early.
  2. You feel at one with the world/nature. #ZEN
  3. You will be surprised by the fact that there are some very early risers out there and many of them are happy to have a chat/say good morning to you – the early birds are a friendly bunch of people I have discovered!
  4. You have free reign on the roads! Driving at 5am is the dream. 
  5. You will be in a good mood for the rest of the day. There is no way you can be miserable after watching a sunrise.
  6. Vitamin D baby! 
  7. Hello Circadian rhythm!
  8. It’s simply a beautiful thing to witness. 

Need I say more?

Some sunrise viewing tips:

  1. Google what time the sun rises in your area and check the weather regularly for your chosen day to view the sunrise. You will need to ensure the morning is clear and cloud free or you won’t see anything at all (been there, done that!). 
  2. Research where the sun rises in your local area to ensure you pick a location that offers maximum viewing opportunity. 
  3. Pack appropriately. Bring sunglasses, layers (if you are watching the sunrise somewhere cold like in the UK), a snack and hot drink in a flask, a tissue (runny noses in the morning are the worst) and some camera gear if you want to take some photos to commemorate the occasion (tripod etc.).
  4. Charge all your camera equipment (if any).
  5. Arrange your clothes/shoes/equipment the night before so that you can wake up and go!
  6. Double check your alarm is set and ready.
  7. Pick your fave place to treat yourself to breakfast afterwards! 

The moral of this story? Surround yourself with more people who would wake up at the crack of dawn and freeze their butts off just to see the sun rise over the horizon with you. And if you don’t have people like that in your life that’s totally okay – be equally as enthusiastic to go see the sunrise on your own.

I’ve dragged my butt out of bed to see the sunrise in many locations around the world, sometimes with others and sometimes on my own. It is equally as magical of an experience either way. 

I can honestly say I have never regretted not hitting the snooze button on my sunrise watching days, going alone or otherwise.

Until next time,

Lica xoxo

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